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The Right Car for Me | TrueDelta


I've been a stay at home mom since 2017 however I now have a 1yr old and NEED to get us out of our living situation asap so I'm really looking for a Toyota Camry or ANYTHING TOYOTA except a Corolla (too small) and to be honest I'd love a Toyota because I know how reliable and long they last but really any RELIABLE vehicles interest me at this point. I'm lm looking for a 1 owner RELIABLE vehicle that is going to last! I NEED to start earning money to get us out of our living situation....so the vehicle will be being used to do a driving job such as doordash or someone told me they can get me a driving job where they transfer blood all over the state....so I NEED any help I can. So if anyone has a car that they took good care of and know it's going to last and want to help basically save a life or 2 by giving me the opportunity to start working to make money to move out...please help

Priorities: Fuel economy / Safety & braking / Reliability & durability

Need minimum of 4 seats

Will consider both new and used cars
Maximum mileage: 200000
Maximum age: 15 years

Maximum price: US $ 3500

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Response from Sea-Dan

10:19 pm August 4, 2023

Finding a reliable car for under $3,500 is a tall order these days!
Toyota Camry, Honda Accord or Civic, or Mazda 6 would be a great car for you. But finding decent one for under $3,500 will be a challenge.
If not too small for you, consider a Mazda 3 hatchback or Honda Fit; both are extremely reliable & will be lower priced. Hyundai Elantra is also a reasonably good used car as is Ford Focus 2008- 2011 were good years and even had Bluetooth phone connectivity (a rarity back then) Avoid later Focui as they had had transmission issues.
You best bet is to find a private seller who can provide service and repair history for the previous 3-5 yrs. Then spend $100 to have a mechanic check it out.
Best wishes in your search.


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Ford Focus
Honda Fit
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